Saturday, February 4, 2012

CINCO – Training Intercomprehension for Cooperation


What IC can do for you

From REDINTER's Blog

Today various European organizations of social and educational volunteers are gathered in international cooperation networks. Communication between partners is often faced with problems of linguistic diversity so that English is often used as a lingua franca.  However, this might make it difficult for partners to speak with precision, depth and clarity, and misunderstandings might easily result. Associations of Romance language partners face similar challenges and are looking for new solutions.
CINCO aims to integrate IC in the vocational training of workers in these organizations. It brings together a network of IC specialists and a network of educational associations and will adapt existing IC materials to their specific professional needs. This will be done through creating training modules for blended learning.
The products will be available online, and consist of structured sets of materials organized in different scripts of activities, and a collaborative platform. These scripts, including both face-to-face sessions and online individual tutorials, will be tested in the context of a training course for people employed by the associations.  Scripts that will have proved their worth will be made freely accessible to a wider audience !

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