stage n. / étage m. [é-ta-je] (same form, origin but different meanings)
a point/period in development - from Old French estage (derived from old verb ester - to stand/to be - + suffix -age)
French étage m. means storey, layer
French also has the noun stage m. [sta-je] (from Latin stagium) but it means "training period/internship (in a career development)"
stage, a platform to perform, is called scène f. [sè-ne] in French
stage, in cycling for instance, is said étape f. [é-ta-pe] (from Dutch stapel)
a point/period in development - from Old French estage (derived from old verb ester - to stand/to be - + suffix -age)
French étage m. means storey, layer
French also has the noun stage m. [sta-je] (from Latin stagium) but it means "training period/internship (in a career development)"
stage, a platform to perform, is called scène f. [sè-ne] in French
stage, in cycling for instance, is said étape f. [é-ta-pe] (from Dutch stapel)
stable n. / étable f. [é-ta-ble](same form, origin and meaning)
a building for horse or cattle - from Old French estable - from Latin stabula, plural form of stabulum n. (standing place), mistaken for a feminine form.
étable f. is actually for the lodging of cattle (cows) where as horses are kept in an écurie f. [é-ku-ri]
a building for horse or cattle - from Old French estable - from Latin stabula, plural form of stabulum n. (standing place), mistaken for a feminine form.
étable f. is actually for the lodging of cattle (cows) where as horses are kept in an écurie f. [é-ku-ri]
establish v. / établir v. [é-ta-blir] (vous établissez)
to found, to install - from Old French establiss- (from v. estalir) - from Latin stabilire « to maintain stable, support».
establishment n. / établissement m. [é-ta-bli-se-men]
strait / étroit adj. [é-trwa] (narrow)
narrow passage of water - from Old French estreit (narrow) - from Latin strictus (tight, narrow)
a strait in French is called a dédroit m. [dé-trwa] - from Latin districtus adj. (linked to, enchained to)
The American city of Detroit (river and city) was called the 'city of the strait' by the French.
stay v. / être v. [è-tre] verb to be in French
to remain, to stand - from Middle French estai- (stem of ester, to stay or stand) from Latin stare (to stand)
extend v. / étendre v. [é-ten-dre] (Same form, origin and meaning)
to stretch out - both are from Latin extendere (ex- + tend)
espouse v. / épouser v. [é-pou-zé]
to adopt, to embrace (an idea) - from Old French espouser v. (to marry) - from Latin sponsare - French kept both meanings (See spouse / époux)
vanish v. / (s')évanouir vb. [é-va-nwir] (vous vous évanouissez)
to disappear - from Old French esvaniss- (verb esvanir to faint - to disappear) - from Latin e(x)vanire (related to évanescence)
ticket n. / étiquette f. [é-ti-kè-te]
slip for admission to a place - from Old French etiquet (verb estiquier « to stick in » + suffix -et )
English sticker n. is related to étiquette through Latin instigare (to spur on) - and Germanic (Old norse stik - High German stechen) Same common Indo-european stem.
to found, to install - from Old French establiss- (from v. estalir) - from Latin stabilire « to maintain stable, support».
establishment n. / établissement m. [é-ta-bli-se-men]
stomach n. / estomac m. [es-to-ma]
organ of the human body - both words come from Latin stomachus (same meaning)
estomaquer vb. means to stun, astonish greatly (like giving a blow in the stomach)
organ of the human body - both words come from Latin stomachus (same meaning)
estomaquer vb. means to stun, astonish greatly (like giving a blow in the stomach)
strait / étroit adj. [é-trwa] (narrow)
narrow passage of water - from Old French estreit (narrow) - from Latin strictus (tight, narrow)
The American city of Detroit (river and city) was called the 'city of the strait' by the French.
stay v. / être v. [è-tre] verb to be in French
to remain, to stand - from Middle French estai- (stem of ester, to stay or stand) from Latin stare (to stand)
extend v. / étendre v. [é-ten-dre] (Same form, origin and meaning)
to stretch out - both are from Latin extendere (ex- + tend)
espouse v. / épouser v. [é-pou-zé]
to adopt, to embrace (an idea) - from Old French espouser v. (to marry) - from Latin sponsare - French kept both meanings (See spouse / époux)
vanish v. / (s')évanouir vb. [é-va-nwir] (vous vous évanouissez)
to disappear - from Old French esvaniss- (verb esvanir to faint - to disappear) - from Latin e(x)vanire (related to évanescence)
ticket n. / étiquette f. [é-ti-kè-te]
slip for admission to a place - from Old French etiquet (verb estiquier « to stick in » + suffix -et )
English sticker n. is related to étiquette through Latin instigare (to spur on) - and Germanic (Old norse stik - High German stechen) Same common Indo-european stem.
An adhesive label in French is called autocollant [o-to-ko-lan] (self-sticking)
French étiquette f. means label (indicating price or characteristics of a product)
Ticket m. [ti-ké] came back to French with the same meaning as "ticket".French étiquette f. means label (indicating price or characteristics of a product)